Our Services
We provide comprehensive solutions that empower you to keep doing what you do best.
Display Management:
We can turn any modern display into a vibrant signage system to put across your message (including advertising, live dashboards, notifications, resturant menus, etc)
Measurement is the first step that leads to understanding and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t find ways to improve on it. FootTraffic gives you the ability to measure and understand your environment. This understanding will help with budgeting, staffing, inventory, security, floor plan optimization, maintenance and provide a measurement of an events success.
Modbus Cloud Services:
Data collection from various sources, which is then made available over the internet in a modbus format for integration into your system.
Speed Cameras:
Estate / private road speed monitoring, identify users exceeding the specified speed limit, providing speed travels and photographic evidence.
Audio Player Management:
Broadcast your audio content (including adverts, music, anonoucement, etc) to your retail audience.
Remote Switching Units:
Remotely switch devices on and off in realtime and on a schedule.
We Make It Possible For Businesses To Measure Foot Traffic In Specific Environments
We use real time data acquisition to provide us with data which is processed and analyzed to give information about visitor numbers in the units field of view.
- Malls
- Kiosks
- Live Events
- Conferences
- Retail Environments
- Attendence Tracking